Józef Hart – Published 10/19

Thoughts of a pensioner

I am sitting on the porch and smoking a pipe (a proverbial, since these days smoking is supposedly suicidal). I am sitting and thinking, what have I achieved during my lifetime? Immediately my next thought is who said I had to achieve something during my lifetime? I think I just opened Pandora’s Box because everybody around me races after achievement. Add to it the wishes of our parents for us to achieve something (I suspect often because they couldn’t). Not to forget our schools have “prepared” us for successes obviously a success is an achievement. Since I am talking about achievements, how should we measure them, with what should we compare them? One such measurement is supposedly a bank account. Here I have nothing to brag about, as compared to the members of the Millionaire Club. I am also not a hero, because I have no medals. I did not place high in competitions, I did not win races, and I only had “successes” in bridge tournaments – meaning I won some, or placed in the top. Can a mastery in bridge be counted as an achievement tough? So it looks like I am just an ordinary person – but I always knew this. So I will not go down in history as Somebody, but maybe my grand grandchildren will mention me in moments of reverie. However, when I think about it a little deeper, I come to the conclusion that the balance of my deeds is much more important than my achievements. Did I do more good than bad, or help people more than I hurt them? I am sure that my balance is positive…

I am sitting on the porch and look around. It is nice here, birds are singing, deer are running around – just like in the countryside. And I live in a city! But what kind of city is it? There are no cafes, people cannot be seen on the streets, and just cars are speeding around (instead of trams). Yes, but I am the master of the estate – I have a house and land! I also have a car (not so long even two, because in order to get to work one needed a car). So, when I ask myself where I would prefer to live, in a city or in a village, I am sure I feel better in a city. Somehow, this “American dream” about your own home did not work out the best for me. Maybe because I did not learn to “play” as a carpenter, plumber, gardener, or mechanic – I was always more behind a book than a hammer.

I am sitting on the porch and reminiscing about my youthful years. These were carefree times, full of optimism and hope. I will not say I am a pessimist now, but… In search of a prescription to get rid of “black clouds” in my life I found a Happiness Guide sent to its members by UnitedHealthcare. I think that no one will blame me if I cite here some points that help achieve “personal happiness”. And so among others: laughter – releases endorphins; letting go old grievances – helps in achieving peace, hope and joy; active minds – leads to satisfaction from the achievements obtained, even if as small as a read book or a solved riddle; physical activity – helps in getting better moods. Simple, small pleasures, such as a good little coffee or a favorite song, improve the mood. The list is quite long. So just one more point – according to some psychologists the experience  of relating to others is the most meaningful and important aspect of surviving and thriving. It helps to get engaged in activities of civil groups (or organizations), or weekly lunch date with friends. Note that Polish-American Cultural Center is very useful here…

 Joseph Hart