As the Years Fly by
August 7, 2021 will be remembered as a 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish-American Cultural Center, combined with the Two Eagles sculpture unavailing, celebrated on Center’s grounds with an added component of it’s reemergence from the pandemic lockdown . The pleasant weather promoted exploration of the Garden’s historical panels as guests enjoyed the outdoor visit with viewing of museum galleries.
The official ceremony, under the MC Andrew Bajda, began with the guests gathering in the main hall, and the traditional singing of the Polish and American anthems, led by Alina Stepien. The invited out of town guest list included: Consul General Adrian Kubicki and Vice-Consul Stanislaw Starnawski, Claire Brown (widow of the sculptor) and her son Andrzej Pitynski Jr, Ohio Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur and our special guest of honor — Poland’s Ambassador to Italy, Anna Maria Anders. What followed was an entertaining and informative mix of interspersed Polish folk songs and dance performances by the group Piasty under the direction of Agnieszka Bieniek, narration regarding the history of Polonia’s presence in the USA, and piano performance by Konrad Binienda of Paderewski’s and Chopin’s compositions.
The significance of symbolic eagles shared by both countries was underscored.
With the focus shifting to subject of the 20th anniversary, Consul Kubicki, Ambassador Anders, president of the Center Andrew Stepien reflected on the meaning and value the Polish-American Culture Center holds for the Polish-American community. Father Kusy elaborated on the early stages of its development and paid tribute, as every speaker did, to the founder, the man who with energy, perseverance and dedication was instrumental in its establishment and continuing existence — Eugene Bak. In a video presentation, Eugene elaborated on his motivation and ideas for the Center. At the conclusion of remarks, guests were invited to join the Honor Guard in the Heritage Garden for the unveiling of Andrzej Pitynski’s “Two Eagles of Two Brotherly Nations.”
After the feast for the minds and hearts, participants were treated to a delicious salmon and zrazy dinner served on elegantly set tables with wine and desert. The kitchen staff did an outstanding job that brought much joy and was commended for their effort.
Thank you Andrew Bajda for directing this jewel of an event and thanks to all the volunteers for help in making it happen. Sto Lat!
Julian Boryczewski